Week 33 – Passover

My husband and I were invited to a Passover meal at the beginning of
this Sabbath. I went to a Passover meal at my church when I was about
ten years old, but my husband had never attended one. We were both
looking forward to being a part of this time of remembrance and

My parents came for a visit this weekend and agreed to watch the girls
for us so we could attend the Passover childfree. We were very
grateful because it allowed us to focus on the meaning without

We arrived, ate a nice meal then went through the Passover seder (the
organized part of the Passover). I found it interesting to see the
symbolism of each part, especially the death, burial and resurrection
of Christ. We each had a Haggadah (a booklet that leads you through
the steps, songs, prayers and meanings of Passover) to follow along
throughout the seder.

My favorite thing was the involvement of the children. One child
asked four questions to help clarify the meaning of different parts.
The boy who asked these questions had the cutest accent! Towards the
end, all of the children were asked to go find the matzah (unleavened
bread) that had been placed under the “stone” and had disappeared
(representing Christ buried then raised from the tomb). The child who
found it recieved a prize!

I am embarrassed to admit that I went to this knowing that I would be
required to eat some horseradish (which represents the bitterness of
our bondage to slavery and sin) and dreaded that fact! But for those
who might avoid attending a Passover for this reason, let me assure
you that it really is not that bad! My husband even willingly ate
more after the seder!

If you’ve never attended a Passover, I would encourage you to give it
a try next year. It was a great experience and reminder of what our
God has done for us – delivering us from the bondage of sin through
His Son!

If you attended a Passover this Sabbath, I would love to know what you
enjoyed most!

Until next week,
Lisa G.

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