Whether you are interested in celebrating the Biblical feasts or not,
and whether you believe them to still be kept or not, there are some
videos that are fun to watch. They give me a quick glance of some
feasts and peak my interest in learning more.

These are strictly for fun! No deep meaning here. But they are
uplifting! The group that performs is called The Fountainheads. They
sing and dance to share about some of the Biblical celebrations. I
came across them back when I was looking up information about Passover
(the only feast day my family has participated in).

Some videos are obviously better than others. I think they improved
as they went along! I am sharing my personal favorite with you- Rosh
Hashanah. It is the Jewish New Year celebration. While I have not
been a part of Rosh Hashanah before, I always think that I would love
to join this group in celebration when I watch the video! It gets my
whole family dancing and singing!

I read that three of the tunes used in the videos were based off of
some American secular songs, so I want to make it clear that neither
The Fountainheads nor I support the songs of those secular artists. I
think the idea is to draw in people who might not normally consider
the Biblical feasts because they view them as boring or strictly
Jewish holidays. By putting in familiar things from our culture, it
serves as a bridge to connect the younger generations and show them
that these feasts can be celebrated by everyone.

My family and I enjoyed watching these videos again this Sabbath. I
hope that you will enjoy them as well! And for those of you who have
celebrated Rosh Hashanah, please let me know if it is as exciting as
it looks!

I would love to hear about your favorite Biblical feast/celebration
and why you enjoy celebrating!

Until next week,
Lisa G.

Songs by the Fountainheads: (you can watch them on YouTube)
Dip Your Apple- Rosh Hashanah
Breakin' Free- Passover
Light Up the Night- Hanukkah
Dayenu, Coming Home- Passover Song
Raise Your Mask- Purim
I Gotta Feeling- Hanukkah