Do you claim victory in God's promises for your life?

This past month, a plethora of out-of-the-ordinary expenses set my
family back from reaching some of our financial goals. These goals
have helped us stay in line with God's plans for us, so I felt a bit
discouraged to be farther from success. Then, over Sabbath, God
reminded me that some victories are a choice that I need to claim.

Many Bible stories illustrate claiming victory through obedience.
This Sabbath I looked at Numbers 13:25-14:45. It is the story of
Moses sending out spies into the land of Canaan to see what the land
was like which God promised them. Most of the spies reported back
that the odds were too insurmountable and they shouldn't even try to
take the land. But Caleb said, "We should by all means go up and take
possession of it, for we will surely overcome it."

The majority of spies reported with human eyes and understanding.
Caleb reported from God's perspective. If God said "go conquer," then
surely they should go conquer! Nothing is too difficult for God. He
had proven that over and over.

Unfortunately, the Israelites listened to the majority and immediately
claimed defeat. Not only defeat, but despair. And in their despair
they said they were better off dead than just outside of God's
promised land. They went so far as to gather stones to stone Moses
for bringing them there!

At this moment, God intervened and spoke to Moses. He shared that the
people's rebellion would cost everyone but Caleb and Joshua the
victory of claiming the land of Canaan. Only the Israelites'
descendants would enter into the promised land. The people were so
grieved to hear this, they apologized then went to try to take the
land after all. But God was not with them and they were defeated.

Too often than I'd like to admit, I have acted like the Israelites.
But when God asks me to do something that I don't feel like or don't
understand how I will accomplish, I need to make the choice to do it
anyway through God's power. When I believe, I obey. Whether
commandments, promises, or a personal Word from Him to me, I should
wholeheartedly obey with confidence. I can claim victory before I
start because He will make it happen, not me. He goes before me and
takes care of everything. It doesn't mean that things are always easy
or go the way I think they should. But victory will happen in God's
timing and power and for His glory.

God really brought this home to me today when our insurance company
called and told us we had been overpaying for awhile and they owed us
a large sum of money. It was just what we had spent this month on all
of those out-of-the-ordinary expenses! God knew what we needed and He
provided! I just need to keep claiming victory in His promises!

How have you claimed victory in God's promises for your life?

Until next week,
Lisa G.