Do labels control me? As I considered this, I thought about how I get
labels, how they affect my life, and what God thinks about them.

I've gotten a lot of labels- wife, mother, Christian, Sabbath keeper,
etc. I received most labels by choice. My parents were Christians
when I was born, but that didn't make me a Christian. I had to choose
for myself to accept God's gift of forgiveness through His Son, Jesus.
Some of my readers have told me that they have been a part of a
Sabbath-keeping family all of their life. But when they became an
adult and left their parents' home, they had to make a choice whether
they would keep Sabbath on their own.

Labels can define how I act. I am a mother, but if I don't take care
of my kids, most people wouldn't consider me a "mom." I can call
myself a wife, but if I never put my husband first or try to meet his
needs, then I am not really qualified to hold that title. Sometimes I
wonder if I fully live up to my labels.

Labels can define how I am treated. Whether I like it or not, people
will judge me and size me up according to the labels I have chosen.
Some labels bring respect from others. Labels that connect a person
with God can bring rejection and persecution. If I am a hypocrite,
people will know. If I'm not willing to suffer for what I believe in,
I can't really claim the label of Christian.

Labels can be helpful guidelines to remember my goals and keep my
focus and direction in life. The choices that I make reflect my heart
to myself and others. It's not enough to want to be a Sabbath keeper
or to say I am a Sabbath keeper. I have to put Sabbath keeping into

I think God takes labels very seriously. He gives His followers many
labels: servants, children, friends of God, sons of God, etc. When I
take on His label, I should reflect Him. I am tempted at times,
though, to give labels more control than God. I want to be the
perfect wife, mom, Christian, or Sabbath keeper. This desire for
perfection can lead me to try to be the best in my own power (and for
my own glory). I can get consumed, hung up, and eventually burnt out.
A label becomes invalid if I forget it's true meaning.

To keep labels from controlling me, I need to remember to bring glory
to God and NOT myself. With God's help, I can learn how to reflect
Him in all areas of my life!

What is something God has taught you about the label of Sabbath keeper?

Until next week,
Lisa G.